Manifest: A popular supernatural series and a mysterious phenomenon
Later this year, Manifest is sure to come up with its fourth season. And, if you are among those who are in search of top shows to watch this year, then the previous three parts should be on top of your watch list. On NCB, the show was canceled after the arrival
The Letter For the King: A live-action fantasy adventure for the whole family!
In today's time of increasingly fractured media audiences, finding a live-action fantasy such as The Letter for the King can be a hard nut to crack. The reason is, that this show can be enjoyed by more than one generation of viewers. As there are countless options and platforms available these days,
The Handmaid’s Tale: A must-see for more than just entertainment
During the announcement of Emmy nominations, this came as a surprise for many that The Handmaid’s Tale was nominated 20 times for its second season which had 13 amazing episodes. This Hulu series received all the appreciation for casting, directing, wring and acting. The fascinating subject matter of the series may not
Cursed: Here comes something different from most fantasy shows
For those who are big fans of fantasy shows, Cursed is a must-watch. It all starts with a sweeping shot of a pristine lake, which is completely surrounded by beautiful mountains. And, here comes the camera, going deep underwater, exactly the way the silhouette of a woman plunges through the aquamarine surface,
Arrow: The one that hits the bullseye!
The shipwreck was absolutely violent, and this made the Oliver Queen, a billionaire playboy missing. On a remote island in the Pacific, he was discovered alive and was presumed dead by people for 5 years. He was welcomed by his loved ones when he returns home to Starling City, his devoted mother,