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    GelaroGrace Studio | World's Leading VFX Outsourcing Partner





    Visual effects, the art to create breathtaking imaginary scenarios that would be impossible to film in the real world. visual effects (VFX) are the creation or manipulation of any on-screen imagery that does not physically exist in real life.


    With the rapid advancement of technology in the world, gaming, animations and VFX industries are spreading their web in the market so fleetly. In just a span of 1 year, the VFX industry grew by 23%, which shows the enlarging craze of SFX and VFX in the audience. Also, the career in the VFX industry today is surely a rewarding and creatively satisfying option for young and creative minds. 


    There are some of the most popular Film & TV shows like ‘AVATAR, LORD OF THE RINGS, GAME OF THRONES, ALTERED CARBON, LOST IN SPACE, WESTWORLD and many more would be the best examples to understand the worth of VFX in a Film & Tv Show. From the fire breathing dragon scenes to the crowd in the background, and the scenarios, the weather, nothing was this beautifully achievable without the VFX department.


    In today’s time, VFX has become the essentiality for every production. Whether it’s a 3-hour long film or a full television series, there’s always a sequence that requires visual effects support to show the Directors POV to tell the story. Vfx is not used only for making unrealistic scenarios but also for enhancing the beauty of a shot. 



    We all know that 2020 has been harsh on everyone for so many reasons. COVID-19 situations changed the way people working in the VFX industry. Over the past few months, the industry has been tested. But that did not affect the productivity of it. It is said that every problem comes with a solution. And of course, that also could not stop the VFX industry from doing the work with the same efficiency and effectiveness. 


    During the lockdown, filming and shooting were affected all over the world, among all the industries which were badly affected due to the pandemic, the VFX industry was also one of them. As we all know an office cannot run without communication and people gesturing, especially in the VFX industry where regular meetings, technical requirements, advanced computers are the key elements. Working from home means working with family, where plenty of home chores have to be handled together. In such situations, it becomes difficult to properly concentrate on work. Despite all the difficulties, the VFX industry continuously working and implement all the IT and Government guideline requires to safeguard the client content. 




    As working from home was never an option in the VFX industry but this lockdown made that too possible. As the majority of VFX work requires on-premises infrastructure for some combination of security and technical reasons. As an industry, the VFX companies had to make quick decisions on how to proceed for work from home, create new procedures and continue the creative journey. As they had to manage everything for each employee. 


    Zoom and skype meetings became one of the most crucial parts of working. A good internet connection was also required to connect with servers. Thanks to the technology setup for being strong enough to provide the employees with opportunities to work remotely with the same effectiveness.


    In this period of time, there are some companies that said that this lockdown did not affect their work, but rather they saw 20-25% of growth in their projects.