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    GelaroGrace Studio | World's Leading VFX Outsourcing Partner

    A Tour of GelaroGrace Studio’s New Office

    The GelaroGrace Studio team moved to a bigger, swankier office after an impressive year and some major growth spurt. We put in a lot of thought into the design, amenities and security for our new office space.


    It’s only been a couple of weeks, but the team is already feeling at home! Our new workspace was laid out to make everyone be on their toes, get the creative juices flowing, and seamlessly blend play with work.


    While creating our new space, we focused on three key components.

    1. Security- The new office was built with security in mind. Our server rooms, generator and strengthened security protocols allow us to handle confidential information with uninterrupted uptime.
    2. Design- Forward-thinking design is of the utmost importance. Project rooms and break-out spaces are filled with modern touches, motivating our tracers and inspiring collaboration.
    3. Volume- This office is ready to accommodate our growing team. This state-of-the-art space has room for over 300 artists.


    Our reception area is where visitors are first introduced to our space and where the team punches in every day, so we wanted it to give the best first impressions! Plush rugs, comfy sofas and a dedicated vendor meeting area make it a warm space to wait and sip some coffee.


    We really wanted our new office to reflect our history and values. The new space speaks visually of our journey onwards and upward- for a team of five in 2013 to a team of 150+ today. The theme for the interiors was inspired by Dr Suess’s ‘Oh, the Place You’ll Go”, with conceptual and actual places reflected in our conference room names.


    Our conference rooms are the real stars of our space. These hubs of collaboration and creativity feature element like glass, steel, wood and stones. The glass walls are marked with quotes that have become a part of our company philosophy over the years.




    Going the extra mile with a dedicated play area, a cafeteria and lots of open and greenery we wanted to make our employees feel like they belong to something bigger than a cubicle. Nothing boost productivity like strategic breaks away from the computer for a good short walk.



    The outdoor seating was designed to be a ‘something for everyone’ place, whether they were hard at work or just hanging out. It now doubles up as a work desk with ample legroom.



    Our new cafeteria is perhaps the most popular corner in the office with a seemingly endless supply of snacks and entertainment.

    All well-thought workplace is born from the idea of making the office a second home for the team so they can function as a happy, motivated unit. Ours is a perfect blend of comfort, inspiration and energy.



    As GelaroGrace Studio’s co-founder and CEO, Deepak Pal, Sums it up: “The new office is a major upgrade in both physical security and design. We’re extremely proud of how it turned out. We did not want to lose the essence of startup culture, no matter how much we grew in size. The idea was to bring us all on one floor and still provide small nooks to ideate and


    Interact with each other ineffective huddles. Our new space was laid out to make everyone be in their toes, get the creative juices flowing, and seamlessly blend play with work.”